Main Page

From MoitessierWiki
Revision as of 16:29, 9 August 2023 by (talk | contribs) (→‎Recent Updates: Updates after malware debacle and computer upgrades.)
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Welcome to the Moitessier Research group wiki!

This wiki serves as a repository of information that we find useful in our daily research. Feel free to edit as you please!

Using the wiki

You will first have to log in (top right corner) with your username and password in order to be able to see anything beyond this page.

If you do not have a username and password, or you have forgotten your password, contact David.

Editing help is available here, and there is more information at the MediaWiki User's Guide.

Recent Updates

After the recent malware debacle, our office computers have been repaired and upgraded. A list of current computers can be found here. (2023-08-09)

Further maintenance after server IP address changed, including relocating the G-quadruplex website. (2023-05-26)

Created accounts for new group members. Welcome Solène, Clémentine, Nathan, and Sofia! (2022-05-16)

The wiki server has been upgraded from http to https, which is more secure. (2022-12-09)

Malcolm Sim's machine learning website is back online here. (2022-12)

In collaboration with the Amos Zhang and Chris Hennecker of the Mittermaier lab, the G-quadruplex algorithm website now has a home on our server. (2022-11-21)

The solvent calculator has a temporary home here. (2022-07-05)

Useful pages