
Total number of publications: 101
Journals we published most in:
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J. Chem. Inf. Model. - 17 publications.

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J. Med. Chem. - 12 publications.

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Eur. J. Med. Chem. - 5 publications.

Highest impact factor journals we have published in:
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Nature Catalysis - Impact Factor (2019): 30.5

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Accounts of Chemical Research - Impact Factor (2018): 21.7

Our most cited paper (below) has 667 citations (Google Scholar, November 2023)!
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Moitessier N., Englebienne P., Lee D., Lawandi J., Corbeil C.R., Towards the development of universal, fast and highly accurate docking/scoring methods: A long way to go. British Journal of Pharmacology (2008), 153, SUPPL. 1, S7-S26

Shortlist of Highlighted Publications

Fitted Publications

Ace Publications

POP Publications

COVID Publications

CYP P450 Publications

HTEQ Publications

Nucleosides Publications

Synthesis Publications

Reviews Publications

Collaborative Publications

MISC Publications